
Hi, I'm Ryan.

Like many in the garage gym community, I have a deep passion for strength training. But, as anyone with a home gym knows, space is a precious commodity. I found myself frustrated with the amount of room dedicated Nordic Curl benches were occupying. I knew there had to be a more space-efficient alternative.

Drawing on my metal fabrication and welding expertise, I set out to create a space-efficient alternative. The concept was simple: a Nordic Curl bar that could seamlessly attach to existing power racks. Nordic hamstring curls are known for their demanding nature and exceptional benefits, providing intense activation and strengthening of your hamstrings. With my Nordic Curl Power Rack Attachment, I've made it easier for you to incorporate this highly beneficial exercise into your home workout routine without sacrificing space.

Operating from my one-man shop in the Texas Hill Country, I now design and create high-quality, custom gym equipment. Every piece is built to withstand the rigors of intense home workouts, carefully crafted to meet the unique needs of the garage gym community.

When you choose my products, you're investing in both your fitness journey and a small, local business. That means the world to me.